Where in the World (196)

The distorted photograph from last week created a very geometric pattern. The real building is one of those modern pieces of architecture that consist of straight lines and geometric shapes. It seems that this was far too challenging a city to identify from the twisted photograph posted. It has happened in the past and I have posted further clues, usually another photograph of the same city, to help in the identification.

Once posted it was possible to identify La Defense which is the distinctive looking district of the French capital Paris.


This post has been pre-scheduled as I have limited access to WiFi in Sicily where I am now. As such I cannot post a list of those who correctly identified the city. As soon as I can I will add the list to this post.

Meanwhile here is this week’s distorted city photograph to identify. As you can see it is a silhouette of a skyline so there are not that many clues available in the photo. Another challenging “Where in the World…” for this week. There are some easier ones coming up.


As usual you can leave your answers in the comments below or on my Twitter feed (@lethers) with the hashtag #WITW196. If you are on Twitter then you can Direct Message me with the answer and no one will see what you have put. Alternatively email me with the answer using the contact page – see tab on menu bar above.

Please do not forget the hashtag #WITW196 as it makes finding the answers in a continually changing Twitter feed so much easier; you and your answer are more likely to be found. Good luck

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